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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 5817-5821

Significance Of Traditional Indian Food And Health Benefits Of Natural Nutrition: Global Domain Of Attraction

Ms. Padmaja Binakar.


The ideas of health and routine within globalization will be, obviously, not really the more aged concepts of wellness as well as practice in various parts of the world. They possess even more to perform by the developing consciousness of the excesses of consumerism and waste materials, the introduction of food, especially several types of cultural food, as a marker of social achievement as well as farming, and the decrease of the ‘natural’ capability that common citizens now that experienced to naturally discriminate concerning the healthful and so the harmful, or to examine untrained intemperance in food. Indian traditional food is a rich source of natural nutrition’s and hence this paper correlates the need of healthy catering and gastronomic tourism.

Key words: Indian traditional food, healthy catering, gastronomic tourism, nutrition

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