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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 5822-5828

New Innovations In Food And Beverage Service Industry And Beverage Service Quality In Hotels

Chef. Omkar Haresh Vaity.


A well-known fact is that the tourism industry, which encompasses a wide range of businesses like hotels, restaurants, transportation, tourist attractions, and other forms of amusement, may help a country's economy flourish. It is widely accepted that the food and beverage service sector is one of the most lucrative and profitable industries in the tourism industry. The operations and quality of food and beverage service are both improving and evolving constantly. In today's world, people don't want to be served food and beverages in the same old way; they want something new, engaging, appealing, and presentable. Even the physical environment, including service workers, ambience, table setting, and lighting, is crucial to attracting guests. In order to keep customers happy and encourage them to return, restaurants must pay attention to the quality of their service. There are several trends in the food and beverage sector, and these trends have an effect on whether or not a restaurant is successful. This study focuses on new trends and advances in food and beverage service style and the importance of a restaurant's physical environment.

Key words: food and beverage service, innovation, trend, physical environment.

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