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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 5837-5844

Hotel Housekeeping Services And Customer Satisfaction

Ms. Pallavi Subhash Chaudhari.


The purpose of this research is to determine the hotel service's quality qualities. There are a number of models used in the hotel sector to gauge the level of service and satisfaction provided to guests. However, SERVQUAL, HOLSERV, and the LODGING QUALITY INDEX are three of the most widely used and comprehensive models in this research. As a consequence, two of the four initial structures were shown to have an impact on customer satisfaction directly. Understanding and Competency were shown to have a direct impact on customer satisfaction in this research. Reliability, responsiveness, understanding, and competence comprised the final model's four components, all of which had a direct impact on customer satisfaction. When it comes to providing cleaning services, luxury hotel management must appreciate the importance of "Competency" and "Understanding" and teach their staff in order to do it effectively, politely, and anticipatorily.

Key words: customer satisfaction, Hotel industry, Housekeeping, SERVQUAL.

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