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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 5845-5863

Recent Trends In Sustainable Finance

Dr. Revati Lalit kumar Deshpande,Dr. Giri Yogeshwari L.


In recent years, our government has placed a greater emphasis on economic development and GDP, ignoring environmental changes and long-term development. Recently, the entire planet has been affected by pollution and climate changes. It is past time to focus on coping with climate change, reducing environmental pollution, and fostering harmonious cohabitation between people and nature in order to ensure the global economy and society's long-term viability. Recent Trends in Sustainable Finance, Environmental, Social, and Governance: environmental (green), social (impact investment), and governance (stakeholder) finance are the subjects of this research. This research also looks at the entire spectrum of sustainable financing, including market size and returns.

Key words: Resent trends, Sustainable Finance, Spectrum, Environmental, Social, Governance, and Spectrum.

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