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Evaluation of an Antimalarial Herbal Recipe and its Individual Plant Extracts for DNA Fragmentation and Clastogenicity Potential in Swiss Albino Mice

A. Akinboro, M. A. Rufai, R. A. Adeagbo, A. O. Akanbi, A. S. Ogunkola, D. O. Okunola, T. D. Adeyeye and Y. R. Akanbi.


In this study, water extract of leaves of Azadirachta indica and stem – bark of Alstonia boonei, and their recipe were evaluated at 25.0%, 50.0% and 100.0% following DNA fragmentation and micronucleus assays in Swiss albino mice. Distilled water and 0.05% sodium azide served as negative and positive controls, respectively. The level of superoxide dismutase, catalase and Malondialdehyde in the treated mice were determined. The FTIR technique was adopted to elucidate the functional groups of phytochemicals present, and the proximate constituents were also determined. The extract of A. indica and A. boonei except for the recipe was not significantly mutagenic compared to the controls. Water extract of A. indica had the least clastogenic activity, while A. boonei extract was most cytotoxic towards erythrocytes proliferation. Superoxide dismutase and catalase activity of the extracts and recipe was dose dependent, however, recipe at 100.0% recorded best activity. A. indica extract best suppressed generation of malondialdehyde. The phytochemicals in the extract and recipe contained hydroxyl and carbonyl functional groups, and their proximate constituents were almost the same except for the crude protein and fiber of the recipe. Conclusively, extract of A. indica caused lower cyto-muta-genotoxicity than the extract of A. boonei and recipe.

Key words: Azadirachta indica, Alstonia boonei, DNA fragmentation, Micronucleus, Recipe,

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