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IJMDC. 2021; 5(3): 803-807

Food-drug interactions: a survey among students of Pharmacy College in Al-Jouf Region, Saudi Arabia

Aljawharah Alasfour, Fakhria Al-Joufi, Jana Aljoufi, Taif Bin Ayesh, Tagrid Alhanoud, Bushra Alrmmali, Ghaida Almuthri.


Background: Knowledge of food-drug interactions (FDI) is necessary to obtain a full therapeutic effect from the medication. Due to a lack of awareness, they are neglected. Thus, interactions may lead to undesired effects. The present study was conducted to assess the FDI among students of Pharmacy College in Al-Jouf Region, Saudi Arabia
Methodology: This is a prospective questionnaire study comprising 14 questions. Each question had yes, no, and do not know options. The study was conducted among Pharmacy College students to assess their awareness about the FDI. These questionnaires were prepared in Google Forms and circulated through WhatsApp, and the responses were collected. Responses were evaluated using Microsoft Excel.
Results: The study found that students had limited awareness of FDI.
Conclusion: The study’s findings support the need for educating students and updating their knowledge through additional training and frequent patient counseling to improve therapeutic efficacy, drug compliance, and safety of patients.

Key words: Food-drug interactions, students of Aljouf University, Awar

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