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Viability of Medium Scale Layer Farming in Gazipur District of Bangladesh

Md. Rakib Uddin, kaynath Akhi, Dr. M. Kamruzzaman, Shamima Islam, Dr. Md. Morshedur Rahman.


The viability of medium chicken layer farming in the Gazipur district of Bangladesh is measured in this study. A total of 40 medium-scale layer farmers were selected for primary data collection through a face-to-face interview during the period of October to December 2018. Cost analysis revealed that the production of the chicken layer was profitable and the average total costs and average net return for 100 layers per year for medium farms were estimated at Tk.66,913 and Tk. 23,632 respectively. The average benefit-cost ratio was estimated at 1.35. The researchers also investigate that most of the farmers in the study area used almost the same types of antibiotics. Among the farms surveyed, 98% of the farms practiced proper vaccination, and the average antibiotics and vaccine costs for 100 layers in a year for all medium farms was estimated at Tk. 498 and Tk. 2,347 respectively. The estimated multiple linear regression model reveals that the key variables included in the model were individually or jointly responsible for variation in the profitability of chicken layer farming. In linear regression analysis, among the nine explanatory variables, most of the variables had a positive impact on chicken layer farming and the main influencing factor was the feed cost. In the study area, the major problem faced by the medium scale layer farmers were price fluctuation in different markets, lack of adequate storage facilities, inadequate capital, low market price, etc. To control the price fluctuation and ensure fair price to the farm owners, it is necessary to have government intervention in layer marketing.

Key words: Layer farming, Medium layer growers, Benefit cost ratio, Multiple linear regression.

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