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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3550-3555

Implementation of a spatial database for the calculation of safety indexes for women in public spaces

Yesenia Sánchez, Miguel A Avila, Orlando García Hurtado.


This article explains the results obtained from the measurement carried out in the 16 145 kilometers of vehicular road network and 536 kilometers of bicycle paths in the 19 urban localities in the city of Bogotá, with relation to eight variables captured by the Safetipin1 application and which in turn identify the women in the space as they are: the lighting of the city, the state of the roads and paths along which they move, the proximity to the transportation system, the openness of the space that allows observation in different directions, the presence of security agents, the possibilities of being observed from doors, sales or by vendors, the number of people in the space, as well as the diversity of these people in terms of age and sex.

Key words: Violence, public space, safety index.

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