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Case Report

A jujube pit causing perforation of the ileum in a vegetarian: a case report

Kwok-Wan Yeung, Chih-Jen Huang.

Cited by 0 Articles

A 56-year-old female vegetarian suffered from persistent diffuse abdominal pain for one day. Leukocytosis was noted. The plain abdominal radiograph showed distension of the bowel loop. Contrast-enhanced 64-row multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) demonstrated a 2.3 cm, fusiform and hyperdense object with interior hypodensity and with pointed ends embedded in the terminal ileum with focal adjacent pneumoperitoneum. CT diagnosis of foreign body, such as the pit of a stone fruit causing perforation of the terminal ileum, was made. Emergency laparotomy revealed a jujube pit perforating the terminal ileum. The foreign body was removed, and the perforation site was repaired. The patient had an uneventful course during the 4 days of hospitalization.

Key words: jujube pit, perforation, vegetarian, CT

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