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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 5884-5895

Need Of Innovation And Development For Local Food Production And Consumption

Mr. Parth Padval.


Industrialized countries saw LFS as a viable alternative to the current food supply chain (MFS). Closeness and a local food supply chain constraint are their major traits. A broad variety of stakeholders, including scientists, have backed LFS because of their expectations that they would help advance sustainable development. Analytical framework for evaluating and summarizing frequent arguments in favor of LFS and comparing them with facts from real case studies as well as personal viewpoints is provided by the components of the food system. Local food production entrepreneurship is a topic of interest in this study because it ties in with key terms, research topics, and research results. The study's issue was found to have definitional errors based on a literature review. Marketing or the health advantages of local food seem to be the most often cited reasons in the evaluations of the study. In order to identify research gaps, proposals were made for empirical studies that may assist in igniting local entrepreneurship.

Key words: Innovation, Development, Local Food, Production, Consumption

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