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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 5907-5916

Assessing The Areas Of Financial Accounting Information Used In The Decision-Making Process Of Business Management

Bhakti Naik.


For this reason, accounting information is regarded as the "language of business" since it is essential for keeping track of financial transactions, analysing their impact on company, and documenting them for future reference. It compiles all financial information pertaining to a company's operations, including revenue, expenses, costs, and capital expenditures. It provides financial information to both internal and external customers, including as directors, investors, and others. The financial statements of a particular firm must provide a genuine and impartial depiction of the company's current business situation. There are several ways to assure accounting correctness, such as via auditing. In the context of decision making, it is vital to underline that various user need to be able to "read" financial figures in a different way. When it comes to deciphering financial documents, there are a plethora of tools and methods at our disposal.

Key words: Accounting, Financial, Realistic, Fundamental, Auditing

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