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Case Report

Recurrent Parotid salivary duct carcinoma in a single case and a review of the literature

Youness El-Khadir, Oumayma Bounid, Ghita Hadraoui, Sanae Chaouia, Rokkaya Iharti, Samir Barkiche, Mouna Darfaoui, Issam Lalya, Abdelhamid El Omrani, Mouna Khouchani.

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First described in 1968 by Kleinsasser, Parotid salivary duct carcinoma is a very particular anatomo-clinical and evolutionary entity among malignant tumours. The local aggressiveness and the significant metastatic potential impose a rigorous extension assessment before proposing any therapeutic management.
We report the case of a 60 years old female patient with no medical history that was referred to our institution for additional management of a recurrent salivary ductal carcinoma of the left parotid gland. Previously, this patient had a prior biopsy excision of the tumour without lymph node dissection or any adjuvant treatment, and 4 months later, she presented a recurrence of swelling in the left parotid area. She underwent a second surgery that consisted of a total parotidectomy with homolateral jugular lymph nodes dissection. The anatomopathological and immunohistochemical examination concluded a recurrence of parotid salivary ductal carcinoma without lymphatic metastasis. The workup did not show any secondary localization or primitive breast localization.
The patient received adjuvant radiotherapy with a dose of 60 Gray.

Key words: Salivary duct carcinoma, Parotid, surgery, radiotherapy

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