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Case Report

RMJ. 2021; 46(4): 1011-1013

A case report of acute necrotizing gastritis in a peripheral teaching hospital

Salman Farooq Dar, Sajid Aziz, Muhammad Ateeq.


A 17 year old patient presented to our institution in November 2019 with sudden epigastric pain, following a large meal one day ago, which was treated as acid peptic disease and discharged. On passing a nasogastric tube, 2000ml of dirty black fluid was collected instantly. Perforation of the repaired part was noted on laparotomy near the gastroesophageal junction along with surrounding necrosis leading to resection and esophago-gastric anastomosis. He expired after 24 hours due to ARDS and respiratory failure.

Key words: Necrotizing gastritis, phlegmonous gastritis, necrobiotic infection of stomach, total gastrectomy, sub-total gastrectomy, gastric drainage procedures.

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