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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2062-2072

Slow Tourism As A Strategy For Alternative Tourism Development In Light Of The Covid-19 Pandemic -Jijel State Case Study

Ph.D. S.Kihal Amel, Pr. Guerfia Saddek, Dr. Sid Ahmed Soufiane.


Slow tourism is a topic of great importance today since the concepts of slow movements have finally made their way into the world of tourism, and it is now regarded as the most recent type of tourism in light of the Corona pandemic, which caused a slowing in the speed of life. The research intends to develop a tourism strategy in the context of slow tourism in the state of Jijel in light of the Coronavirus outbreak, a multi-faceted state that is distinguished by its natural tourism potential and its own local culture. The results suggested that developing and promoting a collaborative tourist product within the context of gradual action could lead to improved mountain tourism and cultural tourism by drafting a cooperative strategy. Furthermore, local life and local products play an active role in influencing the movement of tourists because they slow down their movement and disperse them equally in marginalized areas and encourage the temporal and spatial spread of tourists.

Key words: tourism, Slow Tourism, Alternative Tourism Development, corona Pandemic

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