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Normal Cone beam Computed Tomography image findings of nutrient canals in 340 pediatrics

Yusuke Kawashima,Masaaki Miyakoshi,Yoshihiro Kawabata,Hiroko Indo.

Cited by 0 Articles

The purpose of this study was to assess normal image findings of mandibular nutrient canals(NCs) using CBCT images, including canal prevalence, number, size of nutrient canal.
340 consecutive pediatric patients were included in this study.
Parameters including canal prevalence, number and size (mesial-distal and buccal-lingual diameters) were measured on CBCT axial images.
82.1% were found NCs in the anterior region of the mandible. The mean number of NCs were 1.39 in males and 1.49 in females. However, there were no significant age and gender-related differences in the mean number of NCs.
The mean diameter of NCs were approximately 0.6mm in both males and females. However, there was no significant age related differences in the size of NCs in both males and females.
In conclusion, this was the first study that described normal CBCT findings of mandibular anterior NCs in pediatrics. The prevalence of accidents or lesions in anterior mandible is low, by preoperative knowledge of the NCs in anterior region of the mandible, complications such as injury to the NCs can be avoided in pediatrics.

Key words: Cone Beam Computed Tomography, nutrient canals, anterior region of the mandible, normal image findings

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