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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 847-856

The Effect of Using Telegram Application on Improving Writing Skill for the Students of English as a Foreign Language

Talal Abd Alhameed Alodwan.


This study examined the impact of using the Telegram application on developing writing skills for the students of English as a foreign language. The sample of the study was (75) who are a two-year Bachelor of English at The World Islamic Sciences and Education University in Jordan. The quasi-experimental approach was used in this study where the students were distributed into two groups, the first group was (38 )students represented the experimental group and used the social networking site Telegram whereas the second group was (37) students represented the control group. The findings of the study are (i) there are statistically significant variations at the level of significance (=0.05) between the mean scores of the experimental group and the control group in the writing ability posttest due to the use of social networking Telegram in favour of the experimental group, ( iii) Telegram Application has a positive impact on the users since it helps the students save and record their writing

Key words: Telegram Application, writing skill, the World Islamic Sciences and Education University

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