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Evaluation of the knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding utility of out-of-date medications and left-over medications disposal among health-care providers at a tertiary care teaching hospital

Shivangi H Patel, Pavan J Panchal, Ashwinkumar K Panchasara.

Cited by 1 Articles

Background: Improper disposition of expired and left over medicine is real concern to people and ecosystem of earth. To reduce this burden, it is paramount important to create awareness, better belief and has virtuous practice among medical professionals about disposal of these expired and left over medicines.

Aim and Objectives: The study was conducted to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) utility of out of date medications and left over medications disposal among health-care providers at a tertiary care teaching hospital.

Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional, single center study conducted among health-care providers of tertiary care teaching hospital in western part of India. Participants willing to give consent were allowed to participate in the study and briefed on the aims and objectives of the study. Participants were given pre-validated questionnaire, which was consisted of total 15 questions of KPA regarding the disposal of expiry medications. The questionnaires was collected and assessed for their completeness. The data were recorded in Microsoft Excel Worksheet and analyzed by using appropriate statistical tests.

Results: Out of 170 total participants, 78 (45.9%), 84 (49.4%), and 08 (4.7%) were of doctors, nurses, and pharmacists, respectively. 71 (41.8%) could give a relevant definition of expiration date of medicine. 156 (91.7%) participating staff felt that it is not safe to use medicine after its expiry date. 115 (67.7%) participants thought that medicine can be prescribed zero day before its expiry date. 56 (32.9%) staff agreed that expiry or unused medicine should be disposed in yellow color garbage bag. 73 (42.9%) participants agreed that they disposed the expiry medicines in toilet, sink, trash bin, or by any mean. 47 (35.6%) have disposed into trash bin, 41 (31%) into toilet followed by 21 (15.9%) into sink.

Conclusion: Inappropriate disposal of expiry medicine has harmful effects on ecosystem of our planet and there need for effective drug disposal policy and program such as drug take away in United State of America.

Key words: Knowledge; Attitude; Practice; Out of Date Medications; Left over medications

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