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Case Report

Yes, it’s A Pencil: Young female with Foreign body in Urinary bladder: Rare case report

Kishor Maroti Tonge, Zaid Ahmad Khan, Suresh Kumar Rulaniya, Sabyasachi Panda, Vishal Kumar Neniwal, Piyush Agarwal, Datteswar Hota.

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The foreign body in the urinary bladder is an interesting topic for urologists. The bladder is the most common site of the foreign body in the genitourinary tract. It poses urological challenges in terms of diagnosis and treatments. In this case report, a 20-year-old unmarried female was admitted to the gynaecology ward for lower abdominal pain, dysuria. The patient had a history of self-insertion of pencil per-urethra 10 days back, following which the patient develop symptoms. The patient was then referred to urology for the foreign body in the urinary bladder. There was no history of any psychiatric illness, comorbidity or surgical intervention in the past. A psychiatric evaluation was done and found to be normal. Cystoscopy is done under local anaesthesia, and a pencil was identified in the patient’s urinary bladder. The item was difficult to remove with cystoscope under local anaesthesia, so per-urethral removal of pencil under spinal anaesthesia was performed. The pencil was removed with the help of a per-urethral nephroscope and forceps. Endoscopic retrieval of the foreign body is always a preferred and safe approach for foreign bodies in the urinary bladder. Though open surgery is indicated when the endoscopic approach is failed or if endoscopic instruments are unavailable. The outcome of treatment depends on the nature of the foreign body including size and shape, surgeons experience, operation theatre (OT) facilities and instruments available.

Key words: Urinary bladder, Foreign body, Dysuria, Cystoscopy

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