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RMJ. 2021; 46(1): 159-162

Spectrum and association of congenital heart defects with other congenital malformations in Sindh, Pakistan

Priya Hotwani, Pushpa Goswami, Pardeep Kumar, Chetan Dasi.


Objective: To find the spectrum and association of congenital heart defects with other congenital malformations in Sindh, Pakistan.
Methodology: This descriptive cross sectional study was conducted in Department of Pediatrics, Civil Hospital, Mirpurkhas, Sindh from January to December 2019. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 21. Chi square test was applied for comparison of categorical variables
Results: Out of 121 cases of CHD seen during study period, 59 were male and 62 female. Mean age was 0.18±0.26 months and mean weight was 4.77±2.5 kg
Conclusion: CHD was commonly in our setup. It requires intensive care with the earliest diagnoses. Lack of fully equipped cardiac centers and efficiently trained medical staff is a hindrance still faced in our setup.

Key words: Congenital, heart defects, malformations.

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