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Case Report

Auricular calcification: Case report of petrified ears in a woman

Ebru Ozer Ozturk, Erkan Karatas.

Cited by 0 Articles

Auricular calcification (Petrified ears) is one of the rare diagnoses in ENT outpatient clinics. Although auricular calcification is often asymptomatic and does not require treatment, it is a critical diagnosis since it may develop secondary to life-threatening endocrinopathies. A 33-year-old female patient was admitted to our clinic with increasing stiffening in both auricles for one year. On physical examination, bilateral tympanic membranes, external auditory canals, and auriculas had a natural appearance. Apart from lobules, the bilateral auricle had lost its elasticity. Computed tomography of the temporal bones showed bilateral calcification of auriculas and external auditory canals with normal soft-tissue density of the overlying subcutaneous tissues. In our study, a patient who was followed up due to pituitary insufficiency, and she has complained about the progressive loss of elasticity in both auricles was discussed.

Key words: Auricula; calcification; endocrinopathy

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