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The effectiveness of olmesartan on inflammation at cardiopulmonary bypass

Ibrahim Murat Ozguler, Latif Ustunel.

Cited by 0 Articles

Aim: Systemic inflammatory response syndrome may develop after coronary artery bypass graft surgery that performed by cardiopulmonary bypass technique. It is known that olmesartan, an angiotensin II receptor blocker, has anti-inflammatory effects. The antiinflammatory efficacy of olmesartan treatment was investigated in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass.
Materials and Methods: The study included 50 patients (14 female, 36 male) between 30-80 years of age were underwent CABG surgery. Patients were randomly assigned to control (Group C) and olmesartan (Group O) gruoups. Group O were treated with a single dose of 10 mg per day; 5 days preoperatively and 35 days postoperatively, 30 mg at the operation day. Samples were taken before the induction of anesthesia (T1), 5 minutes before cross clamping (T2), 5 minutes after cross clamping (T3), after protamine infusion (T4), postoperative day 3 (T5) and postoperative day 35 (T6) for total serum levels of IL-6, IL-10 and IL-18; for h-CRP levels preoperative (T1) and postoperative day 35 (T2).
Results: Statistically significant decrease of CRP levels were observed on the postoperative 35th day in Group O (p

Key words: Bypass; inflammation; interleukines; olmesartan

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