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Review Article

RMJ. 2021; 46(3): 749-752

Instrument soft tissue mobilization integrated with exercise for musculoskeletal disorders

Tahir Mahmood, Waqar Afzal, Umair Ahmad, Muhammad Asim Arif, Ashfaq Ahmad.


Musculoskeletal disorders are found in general population linked to upper and Lower extremities depending on its usage with less focus on the proper ergonomics. Despite job work which is time limited with its over usage, prolonged use of devices, which needs sustained posture of hands become over stretched. These posture not only change the tissue perfusion but also put pressure. These can cause pain, decrease range of motion and activity level in general population. These discomforts require different strategies to improve the symptoms. These disorders can be managed by use of exercise, ergonomically designed work place and life style modifications preventing undue stress on tissues of body. Out of these management strategies, one is soft tissue release with instrument assisted. The combined approach using Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue mobilization with exercise has been introduced in recent years to decrease rehabilitation time and advantageous for practitioners to prevent themselves from musculoskeletal disorders of hand, shoulders and neck.

Key words: IASTM, Graston Technique, Gua Sha, musculoskeletal dysfunction, pain, upper cross syndrome

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