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Review Article

Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2021; 19(4): 205-209

Seroprevalence of Mycoplasma gallisepticum in apparently healthy layer chickens in commercial farms in Ibadan

AA Bakre, OR Anifowose & MA Adegbenro.


Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) is a common poultry infection that causes chronic respiratory disease in chickens and turkeys, resulting in significant financial losses for poultry farmers and affecting the entire country. The primary goal of this study was to establish the seroprevalence of Mycoplasma gallisepticum in commercial layer birds in several local government in Ibadan namely; Afijio, Akinyele, Lagelu, Ido, Egbeda, Ona ara and Ibadan South west, between March and July, 2021. A total of 140 blood samples were obtained at random from commercial layer chickens (ISA brown) of various ages and flock sizes. The presence of antibodies against MG was detected using an indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent test (iELISA). Overall prevalence of 74.3% was recorded during this study with Deborah farm having the highest MG prevalence of 85%, Agboola, 80%, Brian, Betty and Cornerstone had 75%, Rehoboth had 70% and Abol farm had the lowest prevalence of 60%. The highest seroprevalence of MG antibody was 85% in 18-21 weeks, followed by 80% in 22-25 weeks, and lowest with 60% in 8-11 weeks. In the farm chosen, there was no significant change in relative flock size at p < 0.05. Moreover, because the disease is transmitted vertically, these findings suggest that commercial layers in Ibadan should be frequently examined for MG infection and carrier birds should be culled. Efforts should be focused on educating poultry producers on how to effectively control MG in layer farms in Nigeria through proper management and the use of appropriate preventive or therapeutic methods.

Key words: Antibodies, Seroprevalence, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Layer chicken, Poultry production

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