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Existing Value Chain Assessment of Mungbean Marketing in Selected Areas of Bangladesh

Anup Kumar Mandal, Md. Aktaruzzaman Khan, Md. Shah Alamgir, Mohammad Shamsul Hoq, Nanda Dulal Kundu, Md. Monjurul Islam.


Mungbean is an important indigenous vegetable legume providing protein for the rural and urban poor in South and Southeast Asia. This study was conducted to analyze the value chain, determine the value addition at different levels of value chain of mungbean and identify some constraints of mungbean marketing in Bangladesh. Using a structured questionnaire with face to face interviews, 120 samples were surveyed which were collected from Barisal and Patuakhali district of Bangladesh during the period of 2017-18. The stratified random sampling technique was used in selecting the sample. This study found that the main actors of mungbean marketing were farmer, arathder, wholesaler, retailer and consumer. The study also revealed that mungbean production was found profitable. The study revealed that the cost of mungbean production of a farmer was Tk 40955/ha on full cost basis and Tk. 28055/ha on cash cost basis. The average gross return of a farmer was Tk. 49775/ha and gross margin was found Tk. 8820/ha on full cost basis and Tk. 21720/ha on cash cost basis. Value addition of arathder and wholesaler was Tk 80/maund and Tk 190/maund respectively and value addition of retailer was Tk 410/maund. In the study area farmers and traders mentioned some problems at production and marketing level such as shortage of capital, lack of labour, insecticides, severe attack of insects, dominance of intermediaries, lack of adequate market facility etc. So, government should take proper initiative to solve these problems.

Key words: Mungbean, Profitability, Value chain and Value addition, Constraints of mungbean marketing in Bangladesh

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