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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4298-4317

Teacing Balancing Of Chemical Equations Through Phet Interactive Simulations And Powerpoint Presentation Slide Show Visualisation

Dr. Muhammad Tariq Bhatti, Dr. Roshan Ali Teevno, Dr. Shila Devi.


This study investigates the impact of PhET interactive simulation and PowerPoint presentation slide show visualisation on learning the balancing of chemical equations to 10 th grade learners. Using a quasi-experimental reseach design, in this study, students in the experimental groups were instructed using simulation games while PowerPoint presentation slides with visualisation were used in the comparison group. Before the instructions, a pre-test was administered for balancing the chemical equations. After the instructions, a post-test was applied to determine the understanding of the learners on the topic balancing of the chemical equations. The pre- and post-test scores were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Both PhET Interactive Simulation and PowerPoint presentation slide show visualisation integration were effective in teaching balancing of chemical equations. At Pre-Test both groups were almost at the same level despite the PowerPoint Presentation Slide Show Visualisation group having a high mean than the PhET Interactive Simulation. However, at post-test, the group taught using PhET interactive simulation performed better as compared to the group taught using PowerPoint presentation slide show visualisation because of the high differences in means of the two independent groups. The post-test results reviewed that the PhET Interactive Simulation had a high mean as compared to the PowerPoint Presentation Slide Show Visualisation. The PhET interactive simulation software application has already equations that are embedded in its system hence it was used to teach the balancing of chemical equations. Both the interviews, observations, and questionnaire indicated that the group taught using the PhET interactive Simulation had attained better attitudes towards learning of balancing of chemical equations as compared to the group which was taught using PowerPoint presentation slide show visualisation.

Key words: PhET Interactive Simulation, PowerPoint Presentation Slide Show Visualisation, Learner attitude, learner academic achivement.

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