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Case Report

A split mouth comparison of minimally invasive v/s conventional technique for gingival rejuvenation – A case report

Nikhila Chandramohan, Swetha A, Priyanka Shivanand.

Cited by 0 Articles

Several surgical techniques including pedicle flaps and free soft-tissue grafts have been indicated for the treatment of gingival recession with different success rates. Localized gingival recessions can be managed with various root coverage procedures, more specifically, using the coronally advanced flap with distinct designs. But recently, minimally invasive techniques have gained much importance because of lower patient morbidity and comparable results to conventional techniques. A recent innovation, the Pinhole surgical technique was shown to offer definitive advantages in terms of predictability, postoperative morbidity and patient satisfaction. This case report aims at comparing the modified triangular type of coronally advanced flap with PST to treat bilateral isolated Miller's class I defect in both the maxillary canines by a split-mouth design.

Key words: Coronally advanced flap, gingival recession, pin hole technique, root coverage

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