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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4318-4342

New Age Media And Cyber Psychology: The Perpetration Of Cyber Bullying Among University Students

Muhammad Babar Akram, Bahrul Amin, Muzaffar Hussain Salik, Zaheer Abbas, Nida Siddique.


Bullying has long been a concern of youth advocates which has dominated the current social issues in our daily life. This research work constitutes digital violence through the epistemology of social media through the use of smartphones and the internet among university students. Whereas misuse of new age media is known as cyberbullying practices which is being practicing by university students. Increasing cases of cyberbullies in educational institutions assume the recent surge and widespread application of information communication technologies (ICTs) in educational institutions whereas results indicated numerous areas that lead to cyberbullying behavior. This study was designed in quantitative methodology and data was collected from university students. Moreover, a positivist research paradigm was used to infer the logical consequences of cyberbullying practices among university students. A self-administered questionnaire was designed for the cross-sectional survey data collection. The use of such technology is easily available to university students anonymously which frequently targets vulnerable people through internet anonymity. For this study, scales and subscales were designed to find out cyberbullying practices whereas correlation with social media uses and cyberbullying perpetration (visual/sexual perpetration) had corresponding effects i.e. (r= .145 ** p

Key words: Cyber bullying; youth’s perception; ICTs; educational institutions.

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