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Perception of Trifocal IOL Performance in Young Adults with High Astigmatism and Hyperopia and its Improvement Using Small Incision Lenticule Extraction

Faruk Semiz, Anita Syla Lokaj,Gulser Caliskan2, Giuseppe Verlato, Njomza Hima Musa, CerenEce Semiz, Zekeriya Alp Demirsoy.


Background: Hyperopia is a kind of refractive error in which incoming light is focused behind, instead of on, the retina wall due to insufficient accommodation by the lens. It is likely affected by ethnicity, geography, and a family history of hyperopia or accommodative esotropia and is categorized as low (≤ 2.00D), moderate (2.00–4.00 D), and high (> 4.00D). Beyond hyperopia refractive error, patients may have poor accommodative function or visual perceptual skills. Objective: This study aimed to present the latest approaches to planning trifocal intraocular lens (IOL) and toric trifocal IOL implantation for residual refractive errors in young adults with high astigmatism and hyperopia and increase the patients’ best visual outcome and satisfaction using Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (SMILE) after implantation. Methods: Eighty eyes of 40 consecutive patients who underwent refractive lensectomy were included in this retrospective study. It included patients aged 20–45 years seeking spectacle independence with pre-operative high spherical hypermetropia of 4D or higher and astigmatism of 3D or higher. Patients’ treatment status was categorized as trifocal IOL (n=40) and toric trifocal IOL (n=40).The mean patient follow-up time was six months after IOL implantation. First, we assessed visual acuity and satisfaction for both groups and then examined laser vision correction results of patients who were dissatisfied after IOL implantation (trifocal IOL group) and underwent SMILE surgery to increase satisfaction level. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between trifocal IOL and toric trifocal IOL for near (UNVA), intermediate (UIVA), and distance (UDVA) uncorrected visual acuity. Comparisons related to patient satisfaction six months after IOL implantation were statistically significant for using a computer and night driving. In the trifocal IOL group, compared to pre-operative values, sphere and cylinder at six months were significantly improved. Conclusion: In young adults, toric trifocal and trifocal IOL provided sufficient results in visual acuity; however, patients were dissatisfied after implantation. This study reported patient satisfaction levels, including quality of life and life without glasses by using Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (SMILE) surgery.

Key words: SMILE, pseudophaka, trifocal IOL, toric trifocal IOL.

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