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Comparative Evaluation of the Effects of Diode Laser and Desensitizing Agents on the Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity: a Clinical Study

Mirjana Gojkov-Vukelic, Sanja Hadzic, Indira Mujic Jahic, Enes Pasic, Arma Muharemovic.


Background: Dentine hypersensitivity (DH) is a frequent clinical problem that represents a long-term painful discomfort for the patients, and for the dentists, it represents a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Objective: The aim of the research is to verify the effect of the treatment with diode laser SiroLaser Blue (660nm) of DH alone or in combination with different impregnating agents. Methods: Fifty patients were included in this research, separated into five groups. All the patients have been asked to define the level of dentine hypersensitivity using VAS (0-10). The first group was treated with Fluor Protector, the second group after the application of Fluor Protector has undergone irradiation with SiroLaser Blue (660nm), the third group was treated with impregnating agent Vivasens, the fourth group, after the application of impregnating agent Vivasens, has had SiroLaser Blue (660nm) irradiation. The fifth group has just been treated with SiroLaser Blue (660nm). The efficiency of the treatment was checked using VAS for every group immediately after the conducted treatment, after 7 days and 1 month. Results: Our results showed that all of the desensitizing agents used in the research alone or in combination with a diode laser (660nm) have shown a reduction of DH. The difference has been proven statistically significant in mean values by groups and examinations. Vivasens and diode laser irradiation have provided the best results in the review of mean values after the first examination and one month after the treatment of DH (p

Key words: Mirjana Gojkov-Vukelic, Sanja Hadzic, Indira Mujic Jahic, Enes Pasic, Arma Muharemovic

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