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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 872-883

A Stylistic Analysis Of Parables In The New Testament

Prof. Dr. Riyadh Tariq Kadhim Al-Ameedi, Adawiaya Sattar Abood.


This paper attempts to investigate the stylistic aspects of the language utilized in parables in the New Testament . Seven extracts in a form of parables are selected from the New Testament , particularly Matthew’s and Luke’s Gospel , to be the data of analysis . The problem of the research can be stated as :
1) How can parables be beneficial as a means of teaching the doctrines of God .
2)How can stylistic devices be significant in providing aesthetic image by which divine teachings are conveyed by the speaker and understood by the listener .
The study aims at presenting a survey of parables , their characteristics , principles , and types and applying a stylistic model of analysis to the religious discourse to detect the most prevalent stylistic devices utilized in parables to convey the intended message.
The analysis shows that the stylistic devices with their aesthetic effects play a vital role for analyzing religious discourse which is represented in parables as well as reveals that the parables , as a form of religious discourse , with their principles and characteristics have an important role in conveying the real teachings of Jesus Christ .

Key words: New Testament, parables, stylistic analysis, aesthetic effects, religious discourse.

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