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RMJ. 2015; 40(1): 41-43

Effectiveness of Slump Neural Mobilization Technique for the management of chronic radicular low back pain

Mudassar Ali, Syed Shakil Ur Rehman, Shakil Ahmad, Muhammad Nazim Farooq.


Objective: To determine the effectiveness of slump neural mobilization technique compared with lumber stabilization exercise (LSE) and shortwave diathermy (SWD) in the physical therapy management of chronic radicular low back pain (CRLBP).
Methodology:A sample of 40 patients with CRLBP was selected and randomly placed into two groups A and B. 22 patients were treated with slump neural mobilization technique (SNMT), lumbar stabilization exercise (LSE) and Short wave diathermy (SWD), while 18 patient of group B were treated with LSE and SWD. All the patients were assessed by four point pain scale and Oswestry disability index (ODI) at the baseline and at the completion of three weeks at 5 days per week and 30 minutes single session per day. The data was collected on specially designed Performa and was analyzed by SPSS and paired t test was applied to determine the probability value at 95 % level of significance.
Results: Both groups demonstrated significant improvement in pain score and ODI score, although improvement was more significant in group A (p

Key words: Slump neural mobilization technique (SNMT), lumbar stabilization exercise (LSE), shortwave diathermy (SWD), neural mobilization. Chronic low back pain (CLBP).

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