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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6486-6496

Factors Motivated To Marketing In Retail Outlet - A Study Reference With Organized Retail Outlet In Theni District



This paper reveals that out of twenty variables the six factors were extracted namely “Store atmosphere”, “Furtherance”, “Service”, “Remittance”, “Merchandising”, “Locale”, All the attributes are formed under each factor had high associations. High value of Kaisar-Meyer-Olikin measure of sampling adequacy (0.788) indicates the correlation between the pairs at variables explained by other variables and thus factor analysis was considered to be appropriate in this model. Crobach’s Alpha is more than 0.63 in all factors. The researcher interested to find out what are the factors motivated to marketing in retail outlet - a study reference with organized retail outlet in Theni District.

Key words: Factor analysis, Retailers.

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