Paver block have been in use since several years. Due to fast infrastructure development the requirement of cement is increasing day by day and it produces large amount of carbon dioxide which leads to global warming. The main purpose of this research paper is that, prevention from environmental pollution of agricultural and industrial waste. This can be reprocess into making the paver block with cement concrete. Paver block is an attractive engineering and inexpensive alternative to both flexible and rigid pavement in various countries together with India. Interlocking concrete pavements are special dry mix precast piece of concrete commonly used in exterior landscaping pavement applications. For better look, easy laying and finish paver block are supreme material. The strength, durability and aesthetically pleasing surfaces have made paving blocks attractive for many commercial, municipal and industrial applications such as parking areas, pedestrian walks, traffic intersections, container yards and roads. This paper is survey of the use of waste plastic, Fly ash and rice husk ash in concrete paver blocks is aimed at reducing cement content and leading to better economy and durability. The primary objective of this research is to understand the properties, economical, technological and environmental benefits of waste used in paver block.
Key words: Paver block, Fly ash, rice husk ash, plastic, Quality control and impact on environment.