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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2252-2263

“Modeling Of Acceleration Behaviour Of Light Motor Vehicles”

Mr. Sushant M. Gajbhiye,Dr. Arun Patel.


Emerging as well as developed countries, traffic is characterized by a wide range of physical dimensions weights, dynamic characteristics with vehicles driving on any accessible area of the road space without regard for lane discipline. Dynamic traffic generates a variety of stains on road infrastructure, as well as affects road conditions (both structural and surface), which contributes to an increase in road accidents. Due to excessive traffic, jam density at intersection points, travel time (Time & Distance Headway) for the driver increases, which affects the overall cost of the journey because vehicles always start in place during jams that occur at Junctions. For better traffic flow, traffic simulation should be used to distribute traffic per lane.
The study and modeling of dynamic traffic having a multi-agent framework is the topic of this essay. Different keywords have been considered for the study, which can be valuable for improving traffic conditions and reducing accidents at intersections or crossings. For the distribution and analysis of traffic a vehicle characteristics and geometric design is considered. The researcher employed various types of modal such as single regime linear and dual, polynomial, and exponential modal. Intelligent transportation can be used to enhance traffic conditions by employing multi-agent systems that can be maintained or employed according to traffic conditions.

Key words: Speed, Acceleration, Driver Behaviour, Geometric Design, Vehicle characteristics.

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