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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 5999-6009

A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of A Planned Teaching Programmed On Knowledge Regarding Management Of Icu Psychosis Among Staff Nurses Working In A Selected Hospital In Kashmir

Nighat Ara,Dr.Rajinderjit Kaur Bajwa.


Despite advice from professional organizations and patient safety groups, most ICU patients are not routinely examined for delirium. As a result, early detection and treatment are hampered. The purpose of this systematic review is to highlight the many implementation tactics that have been tried to improve the ability of ICU clinicians to correctly recognize and treat delirium and to assess the clinical outcomes of these strategies. What's the point of this? A study was done to examine the effectiveness of a planned training programme for Kashmiri staff nurses on ICU psychosis care. Patient delirium in critical care units is exacerbated by co-morbidity, severe illness, and iatrogenesis (ICUs). The elderly are more vulnerable to this medical consequence, which is associated with prolonged hospitalizations. Although this is the case, ICU staff and physicians are often unaware of hypoactive delirium and only recognize it in patients who are visibly distressed (hyperactive delirium). Staff nurses in intensive care units (ICUs) were surveyed to see how much they had learnt about ICU-related delirium via a structured education programme. assessment of a single group was used in the study's Pretest/Posttest methodology. Non-probability purposive sampling was used to collect 40 samples from selected hospitals. The collected data was examined using descriptive and inferential statistics.

Key words: Knowledge, structured teaching program (STP), risk of unplanned extubation, Effectiveness planned teaching, knowledge of staff nurses and mechanical ventilation protocol.

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